Science Team
Science Team
Principal Investigator: Jason Glenn (GSFC)
Deputy Principal Investigator: Margaret Meixner (JPL/Caltech)
Project Scientist: C. Matt Bradford (JPL/Caltech)
Deputy Project Scientist: Klaus Pontoppidan (JPL/Caltech)
Science Lead: Alexandra Pope (University of Massachusetts)
Deputy Science Lead: Tiffany Kataria (JPL/Caltech)
PRIMA Co-Investigators
  • Lee Armus IPAC/Caltech
  • Jochem Baselmans Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Leiden and Delft University of Technology
  • Cara Battersby University of Connecticut
  • Alberto Bolatto University of Maryland
  • Denis Burgarella Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
  • Laure Ciesla Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
  • Anna Di Giorgio INAF, Rome
  • Carlotta Gruppioni INAF OAS, Bologna
  • Thomas Henning MPIA, Heidelberg
  • Brandon Hensley (JPL/Caltech)
  • Willem Jellema Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Groningen
  • Oliver Krause MPIA, Heidelberg
  • Elizabeth Mills University of Kansas
  • Arielle Moullet (NRAO)
  • Marc Sauvage CEA/DRF/Irfu/Département d’Astrophysique
  • JD Smith University of Toledo
  • Rachel Somerville Rutgers University & Flatiron Institute
  • Johannes Staguhn JHU/GSFC
Science Working Group
The PRIMA science objectives have been developed including input from the Science Working Group. It comprises more than 50 members of the astronomy community worldwide, and is organized into seven broad science themes. Members contribute to developing the science objectives for PRIMA through one or more of the themes. Working Groups are listed here, along with their Science Team leads.
Dust and Metals
  • Brandon Hensley JPL/Caltech
  • JD Smith University of Toledo
Nearby Cosmic Ecosystems
  • Alberto Bolatto University of Maryland
  • Elizabeth Mills University of Kansas
Star and Planet Formation
  • Klaus Pontoppidan JPL/Caltech
  • Cara Battersby University of Connecticut
Exoplanets and Solar System
  • Arielle Moullet NRAO
  • Tiffany Kataria JPL/Caltech
Galaxy and Supermassive Black Hole (SMBH) Co-evolution
  • Lee Armus IPAC/Caltech
  • Alexandra Pope University of Massachusetts
Polarization Science
  • Brandon Hensley JPL/Caltech
Source Confusion
  • Alexandra Pope University of Massachusetts
  • Alberto Bolatto University of Maryland