The PRIMA General Observer Science Book is a collection of 76 contributions authored by members of the international astronomy community, each articulating a scientific case that is enabled by PRIMA's massive sensitivity advance and broad spectral coverage. These contributions were encouraged at a science community workshop held in March 2023, as part of the PRIMA team's community outreach activities. The objective of this effort was to capture and characterize the community's interest towards the far-infrared wavelength regime in general, and towards the PRIMA concept in particular.
The PRIMA team is grateful to all the authors who provided short contributed science cases for inclusion on the Book. We are excited by this huge community response! In its 399 pages (yes, it's that large!) you can find a wealth of science cases that the PRIMA mission would be capable of addressing. It makes a compelling case for the competed General Observer program that NASA requires for the selected Astrophysics Probe Mission. At least 75% of the 5-year mission would be devoted to experiments proposed by members of the astronomy community. The 76 cases presented in the GO Science Book are representative of the breadth of science that the astronomy community could accomplish.
A second volume of the GO book is now in preparation, for publication in late Summer 2025. The PRIMA GO Science Book (Volume 2) will include new contributed GO cases as well as revisions of cases already included in Volume 1. A submission portal for GO cases will be opened in early 2025, with an expected submission deadline in late May 2025. Contributions in all astrophysics and planetary science subfields are welcome and encouraged. Authors will be able to use a PRIMA Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) to verify the feasibility of their proposed observations, and PRIMA staff will be available for general support and editing. Please reach out to Arielle Moullet and Denis Burgarella. Watch for an announcement of the opening of the submission system.